
Free: subloop vs. subloop-array

You learned about JSON’s basic structure and the terms object and array. The sample JSON at presents both those data types.

The challenge now is to display data with the free JCI Plugin. For that, the template must use subloop for objects and subloop-array for arrays.

The basic template syntax is like this for an object:


For an array, it’s like this:


Let’s illustrate this with our example JSON: basenode=level1 in the shortcode tells the Plugin to go to the element level1. The JSON key level2 is an array: each item of this array is either a key:value pair, or an object.

The syntax for this is:

[jsoncontentimporter url= basenode=level1]
     TEMPLATE: {start}<br>
               <strong>key: {level2.key}</strong><br>
                    id: {}<br>

See this in action:

TEMPLATE: Very good, this is the value of 'start', right out of the JSON-data

key: This is the first value of key in the 'level1'-array

id: 11111

key: This is the second value of key in the 'level1'-array

id: 222

key: This is the third value of key in the 'level1'-array

id: 33333333

key: This is the fourth value of key in the 'level1'-array

id: 4444

Please note: the value of the basenode in the shortcode and the template are connected. You get almost the same result with basenode=level1.level2, but {start} is not accessible, as the Plugin moves beyond it to the next more profound level of hierarchy:

[jsoncontentimporter url= basenode=level1.level2]
     <strong>key: {key}</strong><br>
          id: {}<br>

key: This is the first value of key in the 'level1'-array

id: 11111

key: This is the second value of key in the 'level1'-array

id: 222

key: This is the third value of key in the 'level1'-array

id: 33333333

key: This is the fourth value of key in the 'level1'-array

id: 4444

You may also use the shortcode without a basenode:

[jsoncontentimporter url=]
          TEMPLATE: {level1.start}<br>
               <strong>key: {level1.level2.key}</strong><br>
                    id: {}<br>

TEMPLATE: Very good, this is the value of 'start', right out of the JSON-data

key: This is the first value of key in the 'level1'-array

id: 11111

key: This is the second value of key in the 'level1'-array

id: 222

key: This is the third value of key in the 'level1'-array

id: 33333333

key: This is the fourth value of key in the 'level1'-array

id: 4444

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