
PRO: JCI-twig-extensions

When using the JCI PRO Plugin select the “JCI-twig 3.5.1” Parser. This Parser has the standard twig 3.X syntax, documented at

The JCI PRO Plugin adds many additional twig-filters and functions. With these you can many nice and helpfuld things.

Some twig-filter for sorting, formatting, replacing….

Filter-Syntax is like this:
{% set filteredValue = (JSONVALUE | FILTER) %}

Advances Filter: Execute Shortcodes and create JSON out of a String

Especially if you want to merge several JSON-Feeds to one JSON-Feed “doshortcode” and “json_decode” are helpful: By “doshortcode” you can execute other JsonContentImporter-Shortcodes which give JSON and “json_decode_4twig” or “json_decode” transforms the Shortcode-Strings to twig-arrays which can be merged into one twig-array:

  • json_decode(ASSOC=FALSE, DEPTH=512, OPTIONS=0)
    this json_decode works like the PHP json_decode
  • json_decode_4twig(TRUE, DEPTH=512, OPTIONS=0))
    is the same as json_decode but always ASSOC=TRUE. This means, that only arrays are in the created JSON-Tree, which is need for using it with twig.
    {{% set myArray = (jsonString |json_decode_4twig) %}
  • doshortcode
    Execute the WordPress do_shortcode in a string:
    {% set jsonArr = (string_with _shortcode | doshortcode)%}
    See example here.

Store a mediafile in the WordPress-medialibrary

wp_mediastore(SOURCE_OF_MEDIA, parentPageId="", mediatitle="", postslug= "", content="", excerpt="", publishdate="", $postStatusUsed="", authorid="", sourcetype="",
withpath=TRUE, removeqm=FALSE, generate_thumbnails=TRUE, loadContext="", addfileformatname="")

stores a mediafile in the WordPress Medialibrary.
see also here for examples and code

    URL or filename of the mediafile
  • parentPageId
    If set the uploaded images is attached to the WP-Page (Page, Post, CPT) with this PageID
  • mediatitle
    Name of the image
  • postslug
    Slug /URL of the uploaded mediafile
  • content
    Longer text for the image
  • excerpt
    Short text for the image
  • publishdate
    Set the publish date of the uploaded media (if empty: now)
  • postStatusUsed
    publish, future, draft, pending, private
    if emtpy: publish
  • authorid
    ID of the WP-User to which the mediafile should be assigned (if empty: set user whos executing the request as author)
  • sourcetype
    If “sourcetype” is “file”: SOURCE_OF_MEDIA is not a URL but a filename with a path. Then use that for loading the file: Check if file is existing on the server, extract the filename and the path.
  • withpath=TRUE
    The name of the uploaded image is either with the complete path (TRUE) or only the mediafilename itself (FALSE)
  • removeqm=FALSE
    The name of the uploaded image is calculated out of SOURCE_OF_MEDIA . If SOURCE_OF_MEDIA is an URL with an “?” the info right of the “?” is ignored (TRUE) or used (FALSE) for calculating the mediafilename
  • generate_thumbnails=TRUE
    If “generate_thumbnails” is set FALSE, no thumbnails are created.
    This is good when you have to upload many images (many 1000…) as fast as possible . Creating thumbnails consumes a lot of time. You can do that later or on demand.
  • loadContext=""
    Must be valid JSON, needed if the http-request for the mediafile needs some extra info (e. g. authentication).
    {"http": {"method": "GET", "header": ["Accept-language: en\r\n Cookie: foo=bar\r\n"]}}
  • addfileformatname=""
    The name of the uploaded mediafile sometimes needs a fileformat at the end. e.g. “.jpeg”

Get name of uploaded mediafile

wp_mediafilename(SOURCE_OF_MEDIA, withpath=TRUE, removeqm=FALSE, sourcetype="", addfileformatname="")
Calc out of SOURCE_OF_MEDIA the name of the uploaded mediafile.

Get Mediafiles

wp_medialist(postid="", pattern="")
gives a list of all mediafiles in the WP-Medialibrary or only those with a special PostID or a search-pattern.

Delete a mediafile from the WordPress-medialibrary

You need the PostID of the Mediafile to be deleted. wp_medialist gives such PostIDs. Then use wp_delete_custom_post

Set and get featured Image

wp_set_featured_image(postid, thumbnail_id)
Add thumbnail_id as featured image of postid.

wp_get_featured_image(postid='', size='post-thumbnail', attr='')
Get the featured image.

Save binary imagedata base64_encoded

Open the binary file “FILENAME” and save it base64_decoded as “FILENAME-b64”.
Return: “FILENAME-b64”

Generate Custom Posts, create and update Custom Post Fields and Taxonomies

You can create Custom Post Types with twig or Shortcodes:

  • wp_new_custom_post
    Create a new custom post: This twig-function executes wp_insert_post
    • slug_post_type: Slug of the Custom Post Type, as defined when creating a Custom Post Type
    • title: Title of the created Page
    • name: Name of the created Page
    • content: E. g. HTML content for the created Page
    • excerpt: Short text for the created Page
    • publishdate: Set a date, the plugin tries to convert it into the needed format
    • postStatusUsed: Set the status like “publish”, “draft” etc. (all details see here)
    • authorid: WordPress-id of the user which should be the author of the Custom Post. If not set, the id of the current user is set.
    • debug_boolean: if TRUE debuginfo is displayed, otherwise ignored
{% set newpageid = wp_new_custom_post(slug_post_type, title, name, content, excerpt, publishdate, postStatusUsed, authorid, debug_boolean) %}
  • wp_insert_custom_field_keyvalue
    Insert Custom Field Values: Once you created a Custom Post (see above), you have the id the new created Post “newpageid”.
    • pageid: id of the Page, e. g. “newpageid”
    • key: Slug of the Value Custom Post Field
    • value: Value for the Custom Post Field
      Example: Add images to the Woocommerce-Product-Imagegallery
      For that upload Images with wp_mediastore to the medialibrary. This gives you an array of Image-IDs.
      {% set setpig = wp_insert_custom_field_keyvalue(pageid, "_product_image_gallery", imgwoo) %}
      you can set the CPF for the Imagegallery.
      imgwoo must be a comma-separated list of the Imageids:
      {% set imgwoo = (idofuploadedimageArr | join(',') ) %}
    • debug_boolean: if TRUE debuginfo is displayed, otherwise ignored
      The following code inserts a key-value-pair in a Custom Post:
{% set cpfid = wp_insert_custom_field_keyvalue(pageid, key, value, debug_boolean) %}
  • wp_get_custom_field_value
    • pageid: id of the Page, e. g. “newpageid”
    • key: Slug of the Custom Post Field
    • debug_boolean: if TRUE debuginfo is displayed, otherwise ignored
{% set cpf_value = wp_get_custom_field_value(pageid, key, debug_boolean) %}
  • wp_get_cp_by_cpf_keyvalue
    Get all custom posts by Custom Post Field keys and values:
    • slug_post_type: Slug of the Custom Post Type, as defined when creating a Custom Post Type
    • key: Slug of the Custom Post Field
    • value: Value of the Custom Post Field
    • debug_boolean: if TRUE debuginfo is displayed, otherwise ignored
{% set cpids = wp_get_cp_by_cpf_keyvalue(slug_post_type, key, value, debug_boolean) %}
  • wp_insert_taxonomy
    Insert a taxonomy-value of a Taxonomy:
    • pageid: id of the Page, e. g. “newpageid”
    • taxonomySlug: Slug of the Taxonomy
    • taxonomyValue: Value for the Taxonomy
    • debug_boolean: if TRUE debuginfo is displayed, otherwise ignored
{% set cleartax = wp_insert_taxonomy(pageid, taxonomySlug, taxonomyValue, debug) %}
  • wp_clear_taxonomy
    Delete all taxonomy-entries of a Taxonomy:
    • taxonomySlug: Slug of the Taxonomy
{% set cleartax = wp_clear_taxonomy(taxonomySlug) %}
  • wp_get_taxonomy
    Get all taxonomy-entries of a Page
    • pageid: id of the Page, e. g. “newpageid”
    • taxonomySlug: Slug of the Taxonomy
    • debug_boolean: if TRUE debuginfo is displayed, otherwise ignored
{% set taxonomyArray = wp_get_taxonomy(pageid, taxonomySlug, debug) %}
  • wp_set_post_categories(postid, post_categories, append = false)
    Set categories for a post, just like the WP-function ‘wp_set_post_categories‘.
    Return: JSON of term taxonomy IDs of affected categories or Errormessage.
    From JCI-Version 3.7.3 on.
  • wp_update_custom_post(postid, titel="", name="", content="", excerpt="", publishdate="", postStatusUsed="", authorid="", parentPageId="", debug=FALSE)
    Update the Page with postid.
    Return: JSON with “status” and “msg”
  • wp_delete_custom_post(postid, force_delete = FALSE, debug=FALSE)
    Delete Post with postid: Execution of wp_delete_post
  • wp_get_attachment_image_url(attachment_id, size = 'thumbnail', icon = FALSE)
    Get the URL of an image attachment.

Get basic data from WordPress or load file

  • wp_get_page_properties
    Get WordPress page properties: Optional is a debug_boolean flag (default FALSE) and a PageID (default empty, then use current page)
    Return: Array, with node “requestdata” has HTTP_REFERER, REQUEST_URI, QUERY_STRING, REMOTE_ADDR, and other Information.
{% set pageprop = wp_get_page_properties(debug_boolean, pageid="")) %}
  • get_data_of_uploaded_file
    Get data “$_FILES” of uploaded files (e. g. a uploaded images or file):
{% set fileinfos = get_data_of_uploaded_file(filename_given_at_upload) %}
  • get_file
    Load file from server-directory:
{% set fileinfos = get_file(filename) %}
  • wp_get_files_in_dir
    Get the list of files in an Diretory as Array.
    Possible Errors:
    • “invalid dir”: Argument is not an String – or a Path to an not existing directory
    • “no permission to read dir”: Directory existing, but WordPress has no rights to read it
    • “scan of dir failed”: PHP-scandir gave no valid result, hence no list of files
{% set dirpath = "./" %}
{% set list_of_files = wp_get_files_in_dir(dirpath) %}
  • wp_get_memory
    Get the used memory in MB used by wordpress until this function executed. If argmunet is TRUE “memory_get_peak_usage” (Returns the peak of memory allocated by PHP) is used, otherwise “memory_get_usage“.
    real_usage is set in both cases to true – to get the real size of memory allocated from system.
{% set mempeak = TRUE %}
{% set usedmemory_in_mb = wp_get_memory(mempeak) %}

Create a WordPress-User out of JSON

jci_user_create(username, password, email, role)

  • With the following twig-function you can create WordPress-Users out of the JSON-data:
  • username, password: mandatory data, usually from JSON-data
  • email: optional, default empty
  • role: optional, valid rolenames like “author”, “administrator” etc. must be used
{% set createUserResult = jci_user_create(username, password, email, role) %}

JSON with “success” either TRUE or FALSE. “result” has either an Error-Description or info on the successfully created user

{% set username= "myusername1" %}
{% set password= "mypassword" %}
{% set createUserResult = jci_user_create(username, password, '', 'author') %}
{{createUserResult | dump}}, res: {{createUserResult.result}}

more: see JCI-twig-extensions for programming a database or woocommerce.

and for Cookies and http-Forward

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