
Load Data into WordPress Media-Library

Load external media and display it locally.

The WordPress-Media-Library is the place where WordPress stores Media files like images, pdf, etc. In a JSON-Datafeed are often URLs pointing to such media files.

When displaying such media files, you can either load the files from the external URL or store the file in WordPress Media-Libraray and use this file there for display. There is a JCI-twig-syntax for that!

twig: wp_mediastore

The PRO-JCI-Plugin has an extended twig syntax. One of the added twig functions is wp_mediastore. It’s used this way with the example-JSON

Create a JCI-Template with the example URL and this twig-code:

{% for item in _context %}
{% if item.venue.img %}   
    load {{item.venue.img}}<br>
    {% set mediafilename = wp_mediafilename(item.venue.img) %}
    mediafilename: {{mediafilename}}<br>
    {% set medialist = wp_get_cp_by_cpf_keyvalue("attachment", "jciloadedimage", mediafilename) %}
    {% if (medialist | length) > 0 %}
        {% set mediatitle = ~ ' UPDATE' %}
        {% set mediaslug = ~ ' UPDATE' %}
        {% set content =  item.venue.venue_extra_info ~ ' UPDATE' %}
        {% set parentPageId = "" %}
        {% set publishdate = "now"|date_modify("-40 day")|date("Y-m-d H:i:s") %}
        {% set postStatusUsed = "public" %} 
        {% set authorid = "" %} 
        {% set val = wp_update_custom_post(medialist.0, mediatitle, mediaslug, content, ' update excerpt', publishdate, postStatusUsed, authorid, debug) %}
        update {{medialist.0 }}<hr>
    {% else %} 
        {% set mediatitle = %}
        {% set mediaslug = %}
        {% set content = item.venue.venue_extra_info %}
        {% set parentPageId = "" %}
        {% set publishdate = "now"|date_modify("-4 day")|date("Y-m-d H:i:s") %}
        {% set postStatusUsed = "public" %} 
        {% set authorid = "" %} 
        {% set sourcetype = "" %} 
        {% set withpath = TRUE %} 
        {% set removeqm = FALSE %} 
        {% set generate_thumbnails = TRUE%} 
        {% set loadContext = "" %} 
        {% set addfileformatname = "" %} 
        {% set avariable = wp_mediastore(item.venue.img, parentPageId, mediatitle, mediaslug, content, "short text to image", publishdate, postStatusUsed, authorid, sourcetype, withpath, removeqm, generate_thumbnails, loadContext, addfileformatname) %}
        {% set avariableArr = avariable | json_decode(TRUE) %}
        {% set idofuploadedimage = avariableArr.jci.attachment_id %}
        {% set setcpf = wp_insert_custom_field_keyvalue(idofuploadedimage, "jciloadedimage", mediafilename) %}
        new uploaded image {{idofuploadedimage}}<hr>
    {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

What is happening here:

  • By wp_mediafilename, we get the name of the to-be-stored images.
  • By wp_get_cp_by_cpf_keyvalue, we check if there is an attachment (similar to an ordinary page) with a specially defined CustomPostField (CPF).
  • If there is such a CPF, there is already such an image with pageID returned by wp_get_cp_by_cpf_keyvalue. So we update this pageID.
  • If there is no such CPF, we do the upload by wp_mediastore. In return, “wp_mediastore” sends a JSON feed, which is used by the twig-function “json_decode(TRUE)” to create a twig-array you can use in the second line, e.g.:

{% set idofuploadedimage = avariableArr.jci.attachment_id %}
gives the pageID of the newly uploaded images. This pageID we can use to set the CPF by wp_insert_custom_field_keyvalue.

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