
PRO: JCI-Templates

The PRO JCI-Plugin tries to avoid Shortcode-Paramternames and put all into JCI Templates

How to: Use an API and get access to JSON
[jsoncontentimporterpro nameoftemplate=NAME_OF_TEMPLATE some_more_parameter]

Put together a very simple JCI-Template with this settings:

  • URL: dummyrequest
    This grabs some WordPress-Page info for an JSON-Feed
  • twig-template: Show received data as JSON
{{_context | json_encode}}

You can also use the “inline”-Shortcode, but having all settings in one Shortcode has some disadavantages:

  • When using on several pages you always have to copy / change it on several pages
  • WordPress modifies sometimes the HTML-Code in the template. to avoid such trouble use the JCI template.
[jsoncontentimporterpro url=... parser=twig332adj some_more_parameter]

Sort, Search, Bulkaction JCI-Templates

With Version 3.7.3 the handling of the JCI-Templatelist is improved. This is very helpful when you have many JCI-Templates:

  • Set the number of JCI-Templates per page via the “ScreenOptions”. Default is 10.
  • Text-Search the JCI-Templates
  • Do Bulk-Actions on selected JCI-Templates (e. g. delete several of them at once…).
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